The Theatre Faculty JAMU offers no accredited courses in foreign languages, but since the faculty is becoming increasingly more popular among international students thanks to the ERASMUS+ programme, it offers a special one- or two-term curriculum called “Bridging East and West” (BEW). BEW was established to create performance projects realized by international students whose knowledge of Czech is not sufficient enough to attend courses along with JAMU students. The skills and knowledge of the incoming students may also differ, and so BEW helps them integrate into practical theatre production projects. The Faculty sees these practical theatre production projects as one of its greatest strengths.

Study specializations which are accredited in the Czech language are following: Theatre Directing, Theatre Dramaturgy, Dramatic Acting, Musical Acting, Physical Theatre, Set and Costume Design, Lighting Design, Audiovisual Media and Theatre, Radio and TV Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting, Theatre Management, Stage Management and Technology, Theatre and Education, Theatre and Education for the Deaf, Dance and Movement Theatre and Education.


More information for international students about JAMU, city of Brno and other practical issues  can  be found here:
