Music Production
The doctoral studies of music production purposefully develop the student’s independent creative personality to be capable of both concentrated and continuous development of his or her skills and talents, as well as of reflections on artistic and production work through the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and their creative application.

The doctoral position entails independent research within a specific research project, participation in supervising final theses in the field and also teaching within a specialization. Study takes place within a flexible credit system. The student creates his/her individual study plan and can accent relevant study obligations in various phases of study. Part of the study is the implementation of two music production projects and completing a foreign stay at a length of at least one month. The duration of study is set at four years.  

The graduate can work mainly in the following professions:

  • university teacher or teacher of music management, music production or artistic management at a conservatory or art grammar school;
  • researcher;
  • manager of music institutions, primary art schools or their own art projects and activities;
  • state administration or self-government employee;
  • specialist in the field of media, PR and marketing (especially in connection with music).

The entrance examination will mainly test: 

  • theoretical knowledge (music history, cultural history, aesthetics, philosophy of art)
  • a deep insight and orientation in the area of music production in the Czech Republic and abroad
  • ability to reflect on the discipline
  • relevant results of the applicant’s activities hitherto in the field of music production and music (cultural) management (portfolio) 
  • language knowledge (English is mandatory; second language according to the applicant’s choice) 
  • relevance of the dissertation topic being considered 

The applicant will submit literary research in writing for the planned dissertation in the extent of 20 to 40 citations that are relevant to the content of the dissertation in 2 – 4 pages, which must contain the characteristics of the content and proposal of the method in which it should be processed, including a preliminary description of the relevant practical and study materials and selected research strategies.

The applicant will also submit a proposal of a planned practical project and teaching activity. 

Field of study specification
Type Doktorský prezenční se specializací
Degree Ph.D.
Length of studies 4 Years
Field of study guaranteed by Faculty Of Music
P0215D310002 HproP:D Music Production
Accredited until 18. 12. 2029