Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation

The graduates demonstrate above-average general knowledge of the historical and cultural context

  • have an overview of the current development of scientific research at the international level
  • have mastered scientific research working methods and can apply them to the principles of their own creation

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • carry out publishing activities in the professional press, create scripts, monographs and scientific works;
  • they are prepared for demanding artistic activities and the sum of their knowledge predestines them to become highly professional and qualified educators at university-type higher education institutions.

The entrance examination will mainly test: 

  • the applicant’s high qualitative performance level (the applicant will perform a selection of compositions from a prepared recital/program over a duration of 60 minutes) 
  • relevance of the dissertation topic being considered
  • theoretical knowledge (music history, cultural history, aesthetics, philosophy of art)
  • a deep insight and orientation in the area of music in the Czech Republic and abroad
  • ability to reflect on the discipline
  • relevant results of the applicant’s activities hitherto in the field of music
  • language skills 

The applicant will submit a concept of his/her future dissertation in writing in the extent of 2 – 4 pages (the concept must primarily contain the topic of the thesis, research questions and hypotheses, specification of the subject of research, presentation of planned research methodology, outline of the future dissertation, summary of the present state of knowledge on the topic and an overview of scientific literature on the topic). 

The entrance examination is conducted in the form of a discussion and presentation of a performance and is led by a commission. The discussion will investigate the academic and creative qualifications for the study of the given discipline, namely the ability to reflect theoretically on artistic creation. 

A part of the entrance examination is a language test, which will test the language skills of the study applicant. 

Field of study specification
Type Doktorský prezenční se specializací
Degree Ph.D.
Length of studies 4 Years
Field of study guaranteed by Faculty Of Music
P0215D310007 TEORINT Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation
Accredited until 01. 09. 2027